Thursday, May 13, 2010

Portrait Time

How about a little Thursday portrait fun?

Mr. Kim is an architect in Boston and recently became a member of the State Board that screens architects for state projects. With that membership comes the need for a new portrait for the Board website. Enter Bob and his studio.
Admit it, you're jealous of the tie. I think it's awesome.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Check back next week to see what's coming next. Stefanie out!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Moira and David's Wedding

After that Bat Mitzvah post I bet I've got you wondering what's coming next.

I don't? Oh.

Well, I promised a wedding and here it is. Potential Grooms I suggest you either leave the room or persuade your loved one not to keep reading. Reading this blog may be the equivalent of catching that bridal bouquet. And we all know that you would rather your loved one come home with a black eye than catch that bouquet. You've been warned.

And now for the beautiful Bride.
Of course you can't forget the Groom.
At the reception, the cutting of the cake starts out normally enough, and then turns into my favorite cake cutting event ever. The food toss.
See, weddings can be fun! I have no idea what happened to her dress and if it lived to see another day without frosting, but does it matter? Moira, I respect your nerve.

P.S. Best wishes to the happy couple!